Saturday, October 1, 2011

International Business Dress Code Survey Reveals Startling Result

!±8± International Business Dress Code Survey Reveals Startling Result

Performed according to the latest Ipsos / Reuters survey in 24 countries around the world, there is considerable disagreement on business dress code. This is not to say, the dress at work is a hot potato international conference calls every day between Brussels and Singapore, beating the pros and cons of the pole. But, the fact that bride, a leading global market research company that has organized the volume of research on the scope of the dress codeTopics.

I'm not surprised. I deal with issues relating to appropriate business clothing on a daily basis. Perhaps more to the point is that this has for so long to surface. Some of the results of the study were surprising, to say the least, but I'll get to later. The report, officially titled "Ipsos Global @ dvisory clothing appropriate to the work" looks at what people wear to work all over the world prices and the acceptance or inadequacy of specific items. As I scanneddifferent surveys that make up the survey, I noticed that his absolute center, casual Friday was the devil behind the current confusion in Canada and the United States.

Europeans have always believed, are upright, solid citizens on a jacket and tie. He wrote the book when it comes to professional behavior. The same goes for South America and Asia. On the other hand, we know that in the '80s has created a Silicon Valley dotcom lifestylekhaki-culture in the workplace, ultimately leading to a spread over the North American casual Friday. But who knew the rest of the world share a passion for laid-back clothing? It seems to me that the mere existence of this study suggests a relaxation of dress codes - all over the world!

We can not take all the blame on those early dotcoms. The summer in these parts seems to be the real culprit when it comes to ultra-casual attire. I'm not so sure that violations of the seasonnormally fill my inbox is limited to Friday. For example, cleavage, despite the oft-arctic-like A / C, probably tops the list of crimes of women. But without doubt the most common complaints during the warm months - are shorts and flip flops - for men and women. These are the companions of beach real burning questions.

Imagine my surprise when both appeared on the report by Ipsos. This is exactly what I want to say a universal dress code tends to nonexistent.I do not propose, at any level, that the survey results clearly support abandoning traditional clothing business. I'm just reading between the lines, and stressed that the very appearance of shorts and flip-flops on a clothing business survey tells the true story. All over the world want to relax. Or not?

Returning to the report of the matter. When it comes to the interpretation that makes data shorts are a particularly interesting challenge. It makes sense that almost halfThe Australian respondents found suitable for short films in the workplace. After all, it's hot Down Under. But Indonesia, at the doorstep and a short plane ride away from Oz is still hot, but only 5% approved the survey group of short films. Let's review the statistics to explore a bit 'as well. And 'chilly in the land of fjords and the midnight sun, but the Swedes the same level of support for short films showing how the Australians. Hungary was the real surprise, as the world's largest producer of short filmswork!

I can't say with any certainty that the citizens of Budapest represented the 46% short-support-group, but I can hazard a guess that it was these same folks who gave flip-flops wide approval. Over 50% of Hungarians polled endorsed flip-flops for business. And once again, Indonesia trailed at the bottom of the pack. You won't find either shorts or flip-flops in the boardrooms of the archipelago.

Here at home, Canadians and Americans, although polled separately, were in general agreement with about 30% in favour of shorts but fewer than 20% for flip-flops. (As a sidebar to this footwear phenomenon, I guess the old "socks with sandals" faux pas no longer poses a threat.) Ultimately, when the results from all 24 countries were tallied, both the flip-flops and shorts categories received an almost 25% approval rating.

But here comes a curveball. When these very same people - all employed adults - were asked if their most casually dressed co-workers qualified for promotion to senior management, almost 40% ticked the "No" box. It's as though they're saying; "Sure, go ahead. Wear whatever you want but don't expect to move up the ladder!"

A spin-off of this is the fact that two-thirds of the over 12,000 people participating in the survey agreed that: "Senior Managers/People That Run An Organization Should Always be More Dressed Up Than Their Employees." Clearly, this points to an expectation that both aspiring and existing leaders have a responsibility to maintain high standards when it comes to personal appearance.

Here comes another curve ball. The majority of participants approved "Bikinis/Speedos" for work-sponsored beach outings. Once again, it was the Hungarians by a mile, with almost 90% in favour of scanty beach wear. Not surprisingly, Argentina trailed closely behind but those surfing Aussies weighed in at only 60%. Here, on the home front, a comparative sense of modesty rules. Only about a third of the Canadians approved this minimalist approach.

Ultimately, what intrigued me was the diversity and magnitude of the report. I know we've come a hundred miles from the dark days when Casual Friday was in its infancy and some folks confused "dressing down" with sloppy carelessness. There's no question that business casual is constantly evolving but I for one, am greatly relieved to feel a touch of fall in the air. All those troublesome shorts and flip-flops will soon be tucked away.

International Business Dress Code Survey Reveals Startling Result

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